Love Our Children USA is privileged to be supported by many. Among those who make a difference for children are the myriad of people who have helped build our vision to keep children safe and strengthen families.
And to the numerous other donors and hundreds of volunteers who have supported Love Our Children USA with passion and commitment, we honor each one of you and express our abundance of gratitude.
ABC Television Network
Aglow Eco Living
Akerman Senterfitt
Barclays PGA Tour
Barrick Gold
Charlotte Russe
Children's Wear Digest
CIBC World Markets
Clear Channel
First Southwest Company
Frame USA
General Re Corporation
Hachette Book Group USA
Jamba Juice
Lifetime Moms
Little Brown Young Readers
Lollytogs - French Toast
Lord & Taylor
LRS Communications
Metro Funding Corp.
Radio Shack
Signature Bank
Snack Alliances/Riceworks
Sun-Re Cheese Corporation
Swett & Crawford
Swiffer/Proctor & Gamble
Travel Channel - World Poker Tour
Uno Chicago Grill
Villa Roma Resort
Abbott Laboratories
AIG Matching Gifts
Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation
AXA Foundation
Buchalter Foundation
Columbus Citizens Foundation Ladies Auxilary
GMAC Matching Gifts
Dave Thomas Adoption Foundation
Dell Giving
Fannie Mae Foundation
Jollay Family Foundation
Macy's Foundation
Microsoft Corporate Matching Gifts
Morgan Stanley
Nonprofit Finance Fund
PGA Foundation
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Lisa and Michael Schulz Foundation
SONY BMG Matching Gifts
St. Paul's Insurance Matching Gifts
St. Peter's Church Benevolence Task Force
Steiner Famiy Foundation
Sternlicht Family Foundation
Tiller Family Foundation
Towerbrook Foundation
U.S. Cellular
XL Global Services Matching Gifts
Anonymus Donor
Ms. Jane Chung
Ms. Kelly Fiore
Anonymous Donor
Mr. Peter Brant
Mr. Timothy Brennan
Mr. Eric Warren Goldman
Ms. Yvette Manessis Corporon/
Mr. Jerrod Blandino
Ms. Judy Blatman
Ms. April Broome
Mr. Aviram Eatessami
Ms. Tracy G. Erwin
Mr. Joe Faulkner
Ms. Beth Feldman/Beyond PR
Ms. Roberta Frink
Mr. Jim Hawk
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Heebner
Mr. Jeff Jacobs
Ms. Carolyn Jackson
Ms. Jennifer Johnson
Ms. Carrie Jones
Mr. John Kopchinski
Mr. Thomas Laudont
Ms. Sharon Lizerbram
Ms. Donna McGee
Ms. Stacey Meshnick
Mr. Steven Nornhold
Mr. John Raymonds
Ms. Chris Sare
Ms. Patrice Tanaka
Mr. Elliott Terzi
Tom Bergeron
Nancy Kerrigan
Cameron Mathison
Arthel Neville
Blair Underwood
Jack Wagner
Ms. Judy Blatman
Mr.& Mrs. Aaron Charbonnet
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Connolly
Ms. Dorothy Crenshaw
Ms. Ross Ellis
Mr. Peter Feinberg — In Loving Memory of Sheldon Feinberg
Ms. Beth Feldman, Beyond PR
Mrs. Lori Garofalo
Mr. Robert J. Giblin
Ms. Cynthia Guidry
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Heebner
Mr. Michael Hust
Mr. Curtis Jacobson
Ms. Jennifer Johnson
Mr. Kosta Kokolis
Mr. Lukas Kungl
Mr. Thomas Laudont
Ms. Carole Meyers
Mr. Mike Moser
Mr. Philip Petruzzi
Mr. John Raymonds
Mr.& Mrs. Kristoph Rollenhagen
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schlesinger
Ms. Stephanie Seymour
Mr. William Sokolin
Ms. Patrice Tanaka
Mr. Kenn Viselman
Ms. Claire von Schilling
Dr. Scott Weiss
Mr. Justin Arcuri
Mr. Patrick B Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Charbonnet
Ms. Rachel Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeFrancesco
Ms. Tracy G. Erwin
Nicholas DeSibio & Marcy Lovitch
Mr. Frank A. Delaney
Mr. Steven Hyman & Mrs.Vickie Peslak Hyman
Mrs. Lori Garofalo
Ns. Becca Jude
Ms. Judy Kalvin
Mrs. Beverly Caen Kauffman
Mr. Lukas Kungl
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Levy
Friends at Oppenheimer
Mr. James M. Phillips
Ms. Kia Picker
Prime Glass Fabricators
Reheboth Charter Academy
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schlesinger
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Seem
Mr. Steven Sofer
Ms. Star Soltan
Mr. Ron Stein
Mr. Daniel Tenn
Mr. Jason Zinna
Ms. Lisa Yonus
Love Our Children USA is a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization. We do not accept any government funds or funding that might seek to influence our positions. Love Our Children USA is a private, nonprofit charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Love Our Children USA's Federal Taxpayer ID Number is: 06-1563232Disclosure: If you would like further information you may obtain it directly by writing to the office of the Attorney General, Department of Law, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271. Registration with a state agency does not constitute or imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by that state.
For further financial and descriptive information please refer to the Love Our Children USA profile at
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